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Monday, June 2, 2008

Stick Titties

Spazoid is at a friends house, watching T.V. One of those inane commercials comes on for tampons or some such, featuring a stick drawing of a woman.

Several minutes go by.

Spazoid: Remember that stupid tampon commercial with the stick woman?
Friend: Yea?
Spazoid: She didn't have any titties.
Friend: Right.

Several more minutes go by.

Spazoid: What exactly would stick titties look like?

Friend puts hands to chest with index fingers sticking out.

Spazoid: Ah.

Several more minutes go by.

Spazoid: Ok then, what would stick NIPPLES look like?

Several years go by. The laughter hasn't yet stopped.


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9 keen observations:

Moooooog35 said...

Yeah...laugh it up.

The poor broads at "Stick Titties Anonymous" are devastated right now.

Hope you're happy.

I'm going to crash the meeting...nothing like stick nipples to get a guy going.

Jo said...

With that post title I was expecting something like press-on boobies.

I love how the hygiene retards create chicks without boobs or butts, but they still get their damn periods :P

Anonymous said...

Quite the conundrum, huh?

Unknown said...

I think you should draw an anatomically correct stick figure women to drive the point home.

FreeOscar said...

Sucking on stick titties is not as fun as it good be.

Mike said...

mooog - watch you don't get your eyes poked out.

jo - I don't know what you chicks did to deserve periods, but for some reason us men are paying for it :P

mimzie - stick figures are poor souls.

meghan - i'll think about it!

c.rag - could you provide a picture?

Sprinkled Words (former Miss Milk) said...

Reminds me of...


Tequila Mockingbird said...

i am pissed you didnt try to illustrate this ala ms paint.

Anonymous said...

I am around! Still alive I think!!! haha! I have a real job now.. So when I got back from Vegas I had to report to work that Monday!! What a bunch of shit!! haha!!!

To My Blog Crush I know you would be so sad if I was dead!! So this is to let you know that my Tired ass is around and living.... I will post when my eyes are straight again!! lol

See ya