Ok, now we're getting somewhere. My blog has a new rating from the site What's My Blog Rated? and I think this is now appropriate.
The following words (and number of times they were said) is as follows:
fucking (18x), shit (7x), sexy (4x), whore (3x), ass (2x), gun (1x)
Fucking, shit, whore, ass I can understand. But sexy and gun? Boy, we're a bunch of pussies now a days if we think sexy and gun are censored words.
I am now happy and can resume my regularly scheduled posting. Stay tuned, because you'll all be finding out why contributing to those third world feed the children charities are making you murders. Boy, will this one ever be popular!
10 keen observations:
Now that's a manly rating.
lmao - were you mad that a little pink doll had a badder rating than you?
lol - you crack me up.
I just gave you a very special award...so special you may need tissue.
Drowsey, you're not badder than me you're better than me. Needed to clear that up ;)
leticia, no speakay spanish! Sorry... but if a blog is in english and my description mentions i'm Canadian i'm not going to get a word you said if it ain't in english.
Ear muffs, Mimzie. Ear muffs!
Mimzie, don't you mean eyemuffs?
And why do I get the feeling that you could even make ME blush?
I got an R.
An R for...
penis (4x)
crap (2x)
crappy (1x)
I don't think crap and crappy even make my site PG.
That sucks..I'm going to start putting more explicit photos of Prince on my site to get a dirtier rating.
You realize your rating is going to go to X now that Mimzie wrote "muffs" a few times in her comments.
Shit. I was hoping for an R not an X.
Although I'm pretty sure Mimzie walking into a room gets the room an X rating ;)
jesus christ, who made that rating site?
I got an NC-17 because of the words
* hurt (6x)
* sexy (5x)
* fucking (3x)
* crappy (2x)
* shitty (1x)
I know I say 'fuck' (and other derivative words) a lot, as well as 'crappy', but they were detected just 3 and 2 times, respectively.
then, 'hurt'? HURT is now a bad word? sheez...
How's your rating now?
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