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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We have a weiner!

And the best man (in my opinion) won.

Now. How long before some asshat white supremisist group from the south assassinates him?

9 keen observations:

Hungry Mother said...

Hope you're wrong, dude, but we're all fearing that.

Anonymous said...

wtf? Now who's going to say nucular proliberation and help me put food on my family?

Nobama might have won now but this obamanation will not see texas fool me I cant get fooled again.

Seriously you want an old guy for vice instead of a milf? That's just gay and gay as it says in leviticus sends hurricanes!

Moooooog35 said...

Gays send hurricanes?!?!?

Mike said...

hungry - I say we pick all the good people out of the south and nuke the rest ;)

tan - yes, and now that Obama's in you're going to have a gay hurricane go through texas and ass rape you right up the poop shoot because it says so in some part of the holly bibel or other!

moooog - and ghonnaherpesyphilaides. Don't for get that!

Technodoll said...

The talk shows on the radio this morning were all about that: how the good ones get snuffed before they've had a chance to make a difference. How sick is this world, anyways. I hope he lasts the next two terms...

Sprinkled Words (former Miss Milk) said...

I was feeling pretty good until that last comment.

Mike said...

Technodoll - me too

Milk - the harsh reality is that an assassination plot was ALREADY broken up.

People are sick, sick bastards.

Iron Pugilist said...

Psh, he'll bust a few caps on 'em haters. He'll live.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping NOONE Touches him... I will Eff them up!!

If they try evidently they likes being bushes BITCH!