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Thursday, September 25, 2008


8 keen observations:

Moooooog35 said...

He DID go.

He just worked on his afro, is all.

Hungry Mother said...

I used to be quite the gym rat, but my injury-ridden body can't handle it now.

Mike said...

Moog - 20 years ago it would have been his Jerry Curl

Hungry - should have treated your body better for the last almost 70 years. Wait, is that a warning?

Knight said...

Most of my workouts are in the bedroom. It's working for me.

Technodoll said...

Look at them moobs! Yeah baby, yeah!

FreeOscar said...

I go to the gym for the showers.
It nice being a chick that can go into the chicks' locker room.

Mike said...

knight - better give it a rest before tall lanky jew becomes hanging flaccid jew ;)

technodoll - he's got em all cinched up in a manseir.

c.rag - you could make lots of cash with a hidden camera and a little knowledge of the web.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH!!! I like this!